Based on Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), in force since October 12, 2002 and Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of personal data, THE COMPANY has proceeded to create an automated personal data file, in which the data necessary for the operations of THE COMPANY is collected. This file is registered with the Data Protection Agency with the registration code

By virtue of the aforementioned Laws, you have the right to oppose, access, rectify and cancel the aforementioned data.

GAMONAL MUSIC S.L. respects the privacy of your data so they will not be transmitted to third parties, in accordance with the following rules of our data privacy policy:

1. Anonymous browsing through web pages.

GAMONAL MUSIC S.L.  The company that owns the website only obtains and stores the following information about visitors to our website:

a) the domain name of the provider (PSI) that gives them access to the network. For example, a user of the provider XXX will only be identified with the domain In this way we can compile statistics on the countries and servers that visit our website most often.

b) The date and time of access to our website. This allows us to find out the hours of greatest influx, and make the precise adjustments to avoid saturation problems in our peak hours..

c) The internet address from which the link to our website originated. Thanks to this data, we can know the effectiveness of the different banners and links that point to our server, in order to promote those that offer the best results.

d) The number of daily visitors to each section. This allows us to know the most successful areas and increase and improve their content, so that users obtain a more satisfactory result. The information obtained is completely anonymous, and in no case can it be associated with a specific and identified user.

2. Navigation with cookies.

Our website uses cookies, small data files that are generated on the user's computer and that allow us to obtain the following information:

a) The date and time of the last time the user visited our website.

b) The content design that the user chose on their first visit to our website.

c) Security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas. The user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies, by selecting the corresponding option in their browser program.

3. Treatment of personal data.

a) GAMONAL MUSIC S.L.) of Spanish nationality and owner of the website, is the owner of the database generated with the personal data provided by users. In accordance with current regulations on data protection, GAMONAL MUSIC S.L. undertakes to comply with its obligation of secrecy with respect to personal data and its duty to treat it confidentially, and will adopt, for these purposes, the necessary measures to prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, given account at all times of the state of technology.

b) GAMONAL MUSIC S.L.reserves the right to modify this data protection policy to adjust to possible legal adaptations. In this case, such changes will be announced well in advance on the website of GAMONAL MUSIC S.L.

c) The user authorizes the automated processing of the personal data provided in order to improve and expand the services offered by GAMONAL MUSIC S.L. It will be understood that the user accepts the established conditions if he clicks on the "I ACCEPT" button found in the data collection forms.

d)The information contained in the aforementioned database is used both for the correct identification of users requesting services and/or information from GAMONAL MUSIC S.L. as well as to carry out statistical studies of registered users that allow designing improvements in the services provided, carrying out basic administration tasks and being able to communicate incidents, offers or news to registered users via email.

e)The personal information collected from registered users is stored in databases owned by GAMONAL MUSIC S.L., which assumes the appropriate technical, organizational and security measures to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the information in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

f) The user is responsible for the veracity of the data provided, reserving GAMONAL MUSIC S.L. the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false information, without prejudice to the other actions that proceed by law.

g) Any registered user may at any time exercise the right to access, rectify and, where appropriate, cancel their personal data provided to GAMONAL MUSIC S.L., by written communication addressed to



In the event that the data provided is associated with a purchase, Spanish law requires us to keep it for at least five years, so it cannot be deleted or rectified even if the customer so requests.


In compliance with the provisions of Law 7/2017, of November 2, which incorporates into the Spanish legal system Directive 2013/11/EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 21, 2013, regarding the alternative resolution of consumer disputes, we inform you of the following:

The complete details of the company are as follows:

Business name: GAMONAL MUSIC S.L.

Phone: 947242102

Legal Address: PLAZA SN BRUNO, 14 09007 BURGOS

The email address where you can file your complaints and claims or request information about the goods or services offered on this website

The company is obliged to answer and resolve your complaints or claims within thirty days of their filing at the aforementioned email address. In the event that this company does not resolve the claim filed to your satisfaction, you may go to an alternative resolution entity notified to the European Commission.
The online dispute resolution platform of the European Union referred to in Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 21, 2013, to which you can go , has the following address: